Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Poster Draft

Poster Text

Shaped like a big mound, Drake's Cavern is home to the species of reptiles called Drake. They have evolved from previous large reptiles into a small deadly version no more than 9 feet tall, highly efficient for it's way of living.

Their large claws and horns not only show that they're dangerous but also enables them to easily overpower their prey. Built like a T-Rex, their are able to move quickly on ground. But not even flying creatures are safe as Drake's wings allow them to fly around easily leaving their legs free and usable as a weapon.

It is difficult to defeat this creature as not only is is well adapted, they would also always be close to their group and be able to call for help quickly is in trouble.

Drakes are carnivores and tend to prey on smaller creatures like elks but when hunting in a group, are able to overcome even rhinos. These creatures enjoy a challenge and will sometimes even attack a crocodile to prove their dominance.

Due to their nature and aggressiveness, they live by themselves in their own cavern generally located close to mountains and large plains abundant with animals. Though this may be so, other neighbouring animals have found that it is possible to live close to these drakes. As they are territorial, Drake’s would defend their territory and fend off invaders, protecting their area as well as helping other creatures that live within their area.

In general, drakes do not attack other creatures that do not pose a threat to them unless when they are hunting for food. Even then, the closest creatures living next to them would tend to be quite safe.

The cavern is designed in a way that easily allows Drakes to come and go from it. They are also able to relax on a small platform overlooking a small pond. The two upper entrances allow them to quickly take flight should the situation present itself.

Though it is a cavern, these two entrances also allows light to enter and keeps the cavern from going too damp as there's a small pool on the bottom floor. Though water isn't their element, they enjoy sitting around in cool water during the day when it's hot or after a meal. The hard surface of the cavern is ideal for their as it is cool and also comfortable to their tough skin.

The entrances to the caves also allows sound to exit the cave. Drakes can scare away creatures that may be snooping close to their home by ‘roar-ing’ in their cave. The shape of the cave amplifies the volume and this then frightens other creatures to back off.

Within their own group, Drakes have a leader which basically requires him to organize the hunting party and lead the group should there be trouble about. The leader is respected by the others and has his own territory within the cavern.

His job to maintain organization within the group is simple as drakes tend not to be hot headed and understand one another well. This keeps them together and does not allow them to get picked off by their enemies.

Their cavern is easily accessible but who would enter their lair?